Ah, Melbourne. Just when we prepared (and hoped for) for a warm, crisp summer, the days become erratic and unpredictable, leaving us all guessing and on our toes. Hot and dry days followed by humidity and wetness, stormy days and jacket weather, and then sunshine again.
How do we adjust to this? I’ve had clients come in with headaches, dry skin, flaky scalps, skin eruptions, feeling frazzled and then other feeling sluggish, heavy and lethargic. It’s challenging to know how to stay balanced when things are all over the place.
The trick is to take it day by day. E.g. avoid kapha aggravating foods on the wet and cold days – e.g. heavy, cold and overly sweet or oily (smoothies, avocado, ripe bananas, rich desserts)…. And avoid vata and pitta aggravating foods on the hot and dry days (popcorn, chilli, too much coffee)…
Then, to manage the erratic energy around you: