Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


A sample Winter meal plan, spices and herbs

Winter is a cold, wet and heavy time of year, dominated by the water element. These qualities are similar to kapha dosha, a combination of the water + earth elements. Because of the ayurvedic rule that ‘like attracts like’ the cold, wet and heavy qualities of kapha are exacerbated by the nature of the climate.

Kapha aggravations can impact the health of the kidneys, lungs, mucus membranes, bladder, fluid content. It can lead to swellings, heaviness and accumulations of mucus in the body. It increased by the salty, sour and sweet tastes e.g. salt, citrus fruits and refined sugars. Kapha is decreased by pungent, bitter and astringent tastes (e.g. turmeric, bitter green, black tea, ginger).

Here is a sample meal plan to consider in winter months:

Breakfast: Boiled millet with stewed or dried fruit, sprinkling of cinnamon, pepitas and pumpkin seeds

Lunch: Mixed beans/legumes with steamed potato and leafy green cooked in a small amount of ghee with spices

Dinner: Vegetarian stew with a small side of couscous

Desserts: should be warming, spiced, light and not overly sweet (fruit cobbler, stewed fruit, cinnamon and honey popcorn)           

A good immunity boosting supplement is Chyvanprash. More info here.

Some spices and herbs to consider using are:

·      Pepper – sharp, pungent, heating, light

·      Turmeric - bitter, pungent, astringent, heating

o   It is considered a detoxifying agent and is useful in balancing excess Kapha

o   Useful in managing arthritis, as it can help to reduce pain and stiffness.

o   It is a natural antibiotic agent, and can help to inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeast, and viruses.

·      Ginger – pungent, heating

o   It has a concentrated heating potency, and is often used to treat Kapha dominant ailments sinus congestion, sluggishness, and obesity. Ginger strengthens the digestive fire or Agni and helps remove accumulated toxins.

·      Rosemary or thyme:

o   These herbs have a warming and relaxing effect on Kapha dosha ailments, including Kapha type heavy, congested headaches. They help to stimulate the central nervous system, and are useful in supporting the management of low blood pressure, sluggishness and muscle fatigue.

To explore an ayurvedic plan specific to your dosha or to address a specific imbalance please contact us here or book in a consultation with us, below.