Lifestyle & Wellness - Ananda Wellness

Holistic wellness is about mind-body-community wellness. Explore our thought pieces on a number of important lifestyle topics that we hope may spark some inspiration on your journey.


Managing doshic balance during airplane flights

Keeping the doshas balanced during and after long airplane flights can be tricky, as we sit in tightly packed and poorly ventilated, cold and dry spaces for extended periods, moving through space. This can aggravate our Vata dosha made up of the air and space elements that are also cold, dry, rough, mobile and erratic; inviting insomnia, dehydration, constipation, tiredness and jet lag into our lives.

The ayurvedic way can be useful in rebalancing this, making travelling easier on both the mind and body. Here are some travel ideas from a recent trip with a long flight to and from Sri Lanka to Melbourne.

• Staying hydrated throughout your flight is essential, as the ventilation is poor in aircraft cabins. Combined with the air-conditioning this is significantly dehydrating. Carrying your own ‘keep-cup’ or a mini thermos flask is a great way to avoid needing to use pre-exposed mugs, to top up with hot water to stay hydrated and keep agni (digestive fire) active.

• Pack your own snacks, instead of relying solely on airplane food, which tend to be excessively dry or oily, full of processed ingredients and microwaved to the extent that all prana is zapped out of the food. Try to eat a good meal before travelling and bring some healthy snacks onto your flight. Fruits are great for their water content and fibre; nuts and seeds are also recommended. I took some energy balls from Melbourne to Colombo but lacked the time to do this on my trip back and noticed how much this affected my system as I ate very little of the provided meal and was starving my way through the trip.

• Applying black sesame or jojoba oil (or another oil suitable to your dosha) is another habit I love practicing when flying, to nourish and oleate vata dryness. A small roller bottle topped up with your oil of choice is great to have on hand to apply and massage into elbows, feets, face and lips. A touch of oil on your nostrils and ears can stop your skin from drying up.

• Maintaining your circulation will reduce feelings of soreness and tiredness. Make sure you are not stagnant throughout the flight and try to walk up the aisles once in a while if possible. Space permitting, try some gentle yoga asana, such as reaching to the sky and then folding forward, touching your toes. Gentle lunges, seated twists, neck, wrist, ankle rotations are also great.

• Post flight care for anyone who experiences constipation, or bowel irritation can be supported by taking triphala in powder or tablet form. Triphala can be taken for a few nights after your flight in order to support agni (digestive fire) and soothe the colon. It is a great source of vitamin C, boosting immunity to help fight off any post flight illness. Please speak to a practitioner before taking this supplement. To purchase triphala, please see here or drop in to the shop in Hawthorn.

Hope these tips help you land at your next destination feeling your absolute best, ready to conquer all that comes to you in your path! Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions… and happy travels :)